Wordmark Logos


The second basic type of logo is called the Wordmark. This includes a company’s name or brand into a stylized font that tries to convey the idea of what the company is about.  Typically, script fonts are used to imply a sense of formality or refinement whereas thick fonts try to display strength and power.  Wordmarks can also include hand-drawn type to add a bit of originality and style and to increase the interest of the logo. Like the Symbolic logos, you should also choose a font that when scaled to a small size is still clear and visible to the viewer’s eyes.

Most wordmark logos do not include graphics, but there are those that do.  Creating a wordmark is difficult because most often, you only have the text to work with.  There are many creative things you can do with a wordmark, but it can be the most difficult to create, because you are somewhat limited.

The Human logo is a great example of a wordmark that is very creative.  As you can see, the logo is the word.  The font is strong, thick and black.   If you see the logo, even for a few seconds, you can see that the negative space in the “a” creates a shape.  This shape is used to take on the meaning of the word.  Often, really great wordmark logos will do exactly that.  They will explain the word, within the text and typography, without having to say anything extra at all.

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