Design Contests

Choosing a memorable and lasting logo for your company is the single most important step in company branding that you will face as a business owner.  There are a lot of avenues in which you can find a logo designer.  The process of logo design can be long, and frustrating if you do not get what you are looking for.  Logo Contests are the new way for affordable logo design.  A logo contest is a fast, efficient and cost effective way to have your company logo designed professionally. is a great resource for your logo design.

In researching logo contest websites, I came across  There were a few things that I specifically liked that offered.  First and foremost, is a 100% satisfaction guarantee.  If you do not receive 50 entries or more, your money is refunded.  This is a fantastic guarantee.  You will have 50+ entries to choose from, designed from top designers.  Sometimes, logo design can take weeks or months to get the perfect product, but with Design contest sites such as, the turnaround time is fast.  Contests last 5, 7 or 10 days, with the first logo designs begins submitted only hours after you post your contest.  The feedback option allows you to interact with the designers and guide them in the direction in which you want to go.  This system is interactive and allows the contest poster to get exactly what they want, and gives the designer direction or feedback on his designs, during the process, instead of after when much time has been spent and potentially wasted.  You are allowed unlimited revisions during the process.

Before posting a design contest, you are able to look through a portfolio of logos that have been designed through  This is a great feature, allowing you to know exactly the kind and quality of work that is designed through  Once you accept a logo and the winning logo designer gets paid, you have full legal ownership of the design. is a very user-friendly and walks you through the process step by step.  They also offer live support.

Logo contest sites are helpful for the logo seeker because they get to test out the skills of many designers and choose a design that suits their needs.  It is affordable and interactive.  Logo contests are also great for designers, because it allows them to post logos and compete for work, in an economy that is less than stellar.  It is a great avenue for freelance logo designers as well.

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